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From TRUE, we were asked if we could develop PowerPoint templates that are 100% customizable in PowerPoint. Based on a previously designed template design, we developed 6 fully animated and customizable PowerPoint templates. With these templates, they can quickly move around presentations within the organization, whether it is a general TRUE presentation or a presentation for a TRUE Workspace or a TRUE Webspace presentation, for example. All texts and elements are fully customizable in PowerPoint!

Visuals by Patswerk & Another Universe.

The world we live in is getting smarter every day. Information is accessible to everyone. We are constantly connected. Products are becoming services. Cities are getting a digital heart. And at home, we log into the office.

True develops digital landscapes that enable this smart digital world. By making web and business functionality accessible to employees and website visitors in the best way possible. Only then can technological advances contribute maximally to a sustainable life and better business results.

Smart web- & workspaces

True advises, builds, manages and optimizes smart web environments and digital work environments for organizations. Because True has the knowledge, resources and people to seamlessly connect both the digital work and web environments to its clients’ application landscape, it creates optimal interaction between the front and back offices. In other words, between the web portals where interaction with clients and suppliers takes place and the operations that respond agilely to the wishes of all stakeholders. This ensures a maximum set-up to safely anticipate changing demand at lightning speed and to achieve ‘operational excellence’.

Landscaping the digital era since 2000

True is a mature tech company with 130+ employees and offices in Amsterdam and Maastricht. Since 2000, True has been helping its clients build and manage web environments for websites, web shops and web applications. To this is now added 17 years of experience in optimizing digital work environments from Open for Support and Multrix.

True is part of the Broad Horizon group. Broad Horizon is a specialist in cloud & business solutions. The group also includes the companies Abecon, Breinwave and Great Circle.

Work, live, play smarter

True does not automatically conform to industry standards. True has a natural drive to always do things simpler, better, more efficiently and, above all, smarter. True sets its own standards. In resources, in people and in mindset. This standard is in the DNA of every Trueligan. Because only the best solution counts. For clients, partners, but also for True itself. Thus, this mantra has resulted in building blocks with which we can make tomorrow’s world even smarter.

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Broad Horizon

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PowerPoint template
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