What is an interactive presentation?
An interactive PowerPoint presentation contains elements that allow interaction both between the speaker and the audience and between the user and the content of the presentation. Here are some examples of elements you can use for an interactive PowerPoint presentation.
1. Hyperlinks
These are clickable text or images that can lead to other slides or external websites.
2. Buttons
These are interactive elements that you can click on to perform certain actions, such as playing a video, opening a quiz or activating an animation.
3. Video’s and animations
These can be made more interactive by giving choices or asking questions during the video or animation.
Want to know how to add YouTube videos to your PowerPoint presentation? Then check out our tips in the knowledge base.
4. Quizzen and surveys
You can use these to engage your audience and test their knowledge.
5. Interactive images
These are images that can be customized and clicked on to display additional information.
6. Turning knobs and sliders
You can use these to present data or statistics in an interactive way.
7. Timelines and interactive maps
You can use these to present events or locations in an interactive way.
In general, an interactive PowerPoint presentation looks just like a regular PowerPoint presentation, but with interactive elements that make the presentation more engaging and attractive to both the audience and yourself.
Ultimately, the choice of font depends on your personal preference and the objective of the presentation. Take the time to try different fonts and choose one that suits you and reinforces the message of the presentation.
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