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What shortcuts are there in PowerPoint?

The program has many different secret key combinations that allow you to work faster and more efficiently, here are all of them.

Shortcuts are combinations of different keys that allow you to perform certain actions faster and easier without using your mouse. If you master these combinations your work pace goes up a lot and the PowerPoint program becomes much easier to use. Here are the most frequently used shortcuts in the program for Mac and Windows.

Ctrl + B / Cmd + BMake selected text bold.
Ctrl + X / Cmd + XCut selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + C / Cmd + CCopy selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + V / Cmd + VPaste selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + A / Cmd + ASelect all
Ctrl + Z / Cmd + ZUndo previous action.
Ctrl + S / Cmd + SSave presentation.
Page DownGo to the next slide.
Page UpGo to the previous slide.
F5Start presentation from the beginning
Shift + F5 Start presentation from current slide
Shift + Alt + PijltoetsenChanging the indentation level of texts
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the formatting of an element or text
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste formatting from an element or text
Alt + Shift + CCopy animation
Alt + Shift + VPaste animation
Ctrl + Shift + GGroup objects
Ctrl + Shift + hEliminate group
Shift + PijltoetsenSelection scaling
Ctrl + Pijltoetsen Movie selection in small steps
Alt + Pijltoetsen Rotate selection

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