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Animation Tips

Having trouble animating your PowerPoint presentation? Need help? We have some tips for a great presentation!

If you have never made a PowerPoint before and don’t know much about creating animations, it can be very difficult to make a decent presentation. After all, animations are necessary to make your presentation interesting. Fortunately, we know how to create beautiful animations without having much knowledge of the program. Here are a set of rules you can follow when animating your presentation.

Set the mood of your presentation.

Is your presentation very serious? Or just very playful? Determining the mood you want to convey in your presentation determines much of your animations, for a serious presentation it is appropriate if the animations you use are very nuanced and smooth. Whereas with a playful presentation about your guinea pig you should rather have very exaggerated and bouncy animations.

What do you want to animate?

Ask yourself what you want animated in the presentation. When a slide comes in, you may want to keep the same slide design, but have new information come in through animation. Knowing what you want to animate also helps with creating applicable animations.

Learn to use the timeline.

When creating the animations, you will always see a timeline on the left with the order of the animations. Learn to use this timeline to figure out what order you are going to use for your animations.

If you follow these three tips, you’ll have a bunch of great animations for your presentation in no time. Good animations will impress your audience, even if your topic is not fascinating!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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