Here’s how to build the perfect Prezi, 5 tips!

Here's how to build the perfect Prezi, 5 tips!

Every day we passionately build the perfect Prezi presentations for different parties. Prezi is an online presentation tool that you can also (fairly easily) use yourself. We inspire you in this blog with 5 tips from our Prezi specialists.

No good presentation without a good story

In our blog “from blank to a perfect presentation” we explain the process of how to arrive at the perfect PowerPoint presentation. Of course, a good Prezi also starts with a good story. Without a good story no good presentation and your Prezi is an afterthought, let’s put that first!

Zoom out

The beauty and specificity of Prezi is that you work from one big canvas. Take advantage of this by sharing this overview with your audience. It allows you, in addition to touching on topics one by one, to show the bigger picture. The context of your story and the connection between the various topics. Your audience is thus better able to place all the new information. In addition, people like to know where they are in the presentation. How many topics have been covered and how much information is to come? Creating a good overview requires some thought beforehand but it is well worth it.

Less is more

You are going to work on a presentation for your company. You naturally want to use and convey the style and feel of your company. As far as we are concerned, the basic Prezi presentation looks calm. Little text and not too many different colors, fuss, fonts etc. We believe in functional white. Delete all the superfluous and what remains comes across all the more powerful.

Use good images

As we said in point 1; No good presentation without a good story. You tell your story in words and the Prezi is (of course as far as we are concerned a very important) sideshow. In general, people are better at remembering images than words. Think about conveying emotions or humor. And besides, you don’t want people to be unable to follow you as a speaker because they also have to read the presentation. Therefore, use the Prezi to reinforce your story in words. Just remember that the visuals should be of good quality. Use one nice picture rather than a grainy video.

Apply movement smartly

Without motion, no Prezi. The beauty of Prezi is that you can, fairly simply, create a path from the big picture to set the order of topics. Creating a path in Prezi is not difficult. Making a good path where movement contributes something to your story is different cake. Besides, you don’t want to make your audience queasy with thoughtless jumps in your Prezi. Therefore, apply movement intelligently and only do so when it is useful. For example, zooming in and out on a subject works very well. You take your audience with you and you literally dive in for a moment. And of course you can play a little in the design. By slanting things a bit to give the bigger picture a nice shape. Not everything has to be straightforward. Feel free to make use of faint curves in the path. As long as it remains pleasant to look at, people will only be sucked into the story more. Cleverly applied, movement makes your Prezi extra inviting to look at.

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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From blank to the perfect presentation

From blank to the perfect presentation.

How do you go from nothing to the perfect presentation? There is a whole thought process before you actually get started building a presentation. In this blog, we explain the steps we take to arrive at a good catchy presentation.

When you are still at the very beginning of your presentation, it is good to check a few things;

  • Who is my audience? And most importantly, how do I best connect my presentation to these people? How much knowledge do they have about this topic beforehand?
  • What do I want to achieve with my presentation? Do I want to sell a product? Am I offering a solution to a problem or do I want to effect a change?
  • Who is the speaker and how good is he/she at this? Of course, you can compensate with a perfectly crafted presentation when you are a slightly lesser speaker. The other way around, by the way, this does not work. Because of course it does not mean that you want to put a good speaker with a lesser presentation in front of the group.

A good presentation starts with a good story. If you are clear about what you want to convey and for whom then you can get to work.

Our roadmap:

Step 1:

Think carefully about why your audience would want to hear this story. What solution do you have to offer? Why is this interesting and how do you immediately grab your audience’s attention? Often this is not in the product you offer, but in the solution. What does your story/product/service deliver to people?

Step 2:

Apply storytelling, or in other words, try to wrap the message in a story. For example, when you tell about that one moment when you were in the shower in the morning and came up with a good idea. And what this ultimately gained in comfort, peace, money, or happiness. Talk about recognizable examples. In addition, by wrapping the message in a personal story, your audience is more quickly captivated.

So come up with a good story that will convince your audience that they need your product or service. A good story starts with a recognizable problem, it contains main characters, a conflict and you conclude with the solution.

Step 3:

Now that you have your story clear, you can start dividing it into chapters. Then divide the chapters into slides and decide what each slide should look like.

Step 4:

Finally, you get to work on shaping the presentation. Which style will add the most power to your story? Do you use your company’s recognizable house style or do you completely deviate from it? Find out which animations and images you need to shape your presentation.

Can we help you create an error-free presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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8 tips for a professional PowerPoint presentation

8 tips for a professional PowerPoint presentation

You need to make a presentation and immediately you crawl behind your computer. Whatever program you use to build a presentation; all good presentations have certain similarities. We are going to explain to you in this blog what good presentations have in common. Build a clear and professional presentation thanks to these 8 indispensable tips:

1. Less slides

A long shot but all the information must come from your story. Everything on the screen should add power but your story is leading. Therefore, limit the number of slides in your presentation no matter what and make sure your audience is not overwhelmed by your presentation. There is no x-number of slides for a certain duration of a presentation. Nor is there any point in calculating a number of minutes per slide. As mentioned, your story is leading so you will dwell longer on some slides than others.

2. As little text as possible

Keep in mind: a picture says more than a thousand words. Scrap as much text as possible and see where you can bring your information into visual focus as well. Limit your slides to a few key words, a slogan or to results.

3. Font and design

Choose the font size 30. By default in PowerPoint it is set to 18! A large font size has two advantages. If your presentation doesn’t project properly for whatever reason, your information is still readable. In addition, you automatically don’t put a lot of text on a slide because it simply won’t fit. Also make sure there is enough contrast between the text and the background of your slide, think about use of color and what you want to say. Blue provides power and overview, red stands out, and soft colors will soften your message.
Translated with (free version)

4. Bring unity to your slideshow

Ensure calmness and simplicity in your presentation. Use the same colors, styles and shapes on every slide.

5. Simplify

Charts, diagrams or tables make a presentation boring and flat. It may provide a lot of information in terms of content, but you will engage your audience little to not at all. Don’t hesitate to take the most important information from a complicated table and make a simplified version of it.

6. One slide, one message

Limit yourself to one message, one starting point or one topic per slide. You create focus with your audience and you ensure structure in your own story. Two birds with one stone because you will not easily lose the thread.

7. Animation

Moderate in your animations. Bounce, spin, flicker; it works more laughably than it does anything for your story. So when to use it? When you want to explain processes or the different steps of a procedure. Besides, when you animate subtle references, your presentation quickly looks professional.

8. Use good imagery

Make sure your images are of high resolution and give a clear message. Don’t include an image just because you want an image in your presentation. Your visuals should be about something. And don’t choose obvious stock photos but try to be original. Have you asked your company’s communications department if there is a database of photos of your company, your products or the people?

Can we help you create an error-free presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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How do you make a good PowerPoint Presentation?

How do you make a good PowerPoint Presentation?

You’re about to make an important presentation and you need inspiration to create a really good story with a clear PowerPoint. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and let us help you. Read 5 tips to make a really good PowerPoint presentation here.

1. Create a storyline

It may seem obvious but the most important tip before you start creating a presentation is to start by putting a storyline on paper. Especially when you are so “proprietary” with subject matter, it is treacherous to jump from heel to heel. So what is your topic and what exactly do you want to tell your audience? This is also how you build your PowerPoint. Map out your story before you start creating your presentation, this will make it much easier on yourself.

2. Avoid bullet points as much as possible

We can’t stress this often enough, but Bullet Points usage is out of date. So instead of using points, use high-quality images, only numbers and graphs if necessary, and use as little text as possible. Also, don’t go for obvious stock photos, but try to find more authentic images. This will make your presentation more personal, which will also give your story more power.

3. Less is more

Still a common mistake is a lot of text in your PowerPoint. So don’t overdo it with too much content on one slide. Remember that your story is leading and people only want to look at the slides as backup. Presentations come across better when the slides are “clean” and do not distract from the story you are telling.

4. Choose the right animations

Within PowerPoint , there are endless possibilities for animations. Animations can give your presentation just a little more professionalism. Choose consciously which and when you want to use animations. Details work but don’t choose animations that bounce around the screen.

5. End with a powerful slide

End strong and your audience will walk out the door with your presentation still in mind. To accomplish this, conclude with a powerful anecdote, exciting news or a positive prediction. Get your audience thinking and leave an impression!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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Why for your business PowerPoint is a better option than Prezi

Why for your business PowerPoint is a better option than Prezi?

PowerPoint or Prezi?

You quickly end up with two options when it comes to programs for creating a professional presentation: PowerPoint or Prezi. PowerPoint is a standard part of the Microsoft Office suite and is familiar to almost everyone. Does PowerPoint sound like a boring program to you? Does it remind you of endless, text-filled slides? Then we dare say you don’t know the program well. Because of this image of PowerPoint , presentations today are often made in Prezi.

What is Prezi?

Prezi is a presentation program that is relatively new compared to PowerPoint. Een professionele Prezi A professional Prezi presentation usually consists of a canvas presentation why you can zoom in and out. It is like a mind map. Prezi was developed because the founders no longer wanted to go through their presentation slide-by-slide. It is relatively new and you can fairly easily create your own flashy presentations with nice effects in it. Only when you want to create a professional Prezi presentation that multiple employees of the company can work in, then it gets trickier.

Can you create a professional Prezi presentation?

It is of course possible to create (or have created) a professional Prezi presentation.. The advantage of a canvas is that it can become an attractive presentation fairly easily and quickly. The disadvantage can be that the zoom effect is not properly used and the audience can no longer follow the presentation.

Think carefully in advance about the purpose of your presentation. Regardless of which presentation program you use. What do you want to achieve with it? If the answer to this question is that you are looking for a beautiful or innovative professional presentation that will surprise your audience, then you might as well (if not, better) choose PowerPoint.

What can you do with PowerPoint these days?

PowerPoint is no longer the boring presentation program of endless slides with way too long text. Today, you can perform the functions that Prezi has in PowerPoint as well. You can make your presentation dynamic and interactive even with PowerPoint. The big advantage of PowerPoint over Prezi is that you can quite easily create a template that all the employees of your company can work in.

Why do we recommend PowerPoint?

We did extensive research on different presentation programs and found out that all the functions that are in Prezi can also be performed in PowerPoint. For many years we have been working with PowerPoint. Three main advantages of PowerPoint over Prezi are:

  • The program is already installed on many computers because still the vast majority of companies have Windows computers.
  • In PowerPoint, you can easily create templates so that everyone in the company can create presentations within the corporate identity.
  • Microsoft is not sitting still and continues to innovate. Monthly updates are available to PowerPoint in office 365.

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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New shortcuts in PowerPoint

New shortcuts in PowerPoint

Finally, new shortcutes! Thanks to new shortcuts, you now have functions that only Windows knew; and all the key combinations you see below are suitable for all languages.

Cmd+[Increase level of selection
Cmd+]Decrease level of selection
Option+Shift+Cmd+VPaste and adapt to formatting
Option+Shift+Cmd+CCopy/paste animation
Shift+Cmd+2Format slide background
Shift+Cmd+FTo front
Shift+Cmd+BTo background
Control+Shift+TabSwitching between overview and thumbnail

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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Mac and Windows differences

Mac and Windows differences

The PowerPoint program allows you to design the most beautiful presentations quickly and easily on your own. If you use PowerPoint on the Mac, you don’t know what you’re missing. In fact, PowerPoint has many more options and operations on Windows computers than it has on Mac computers. From quality preserving vector to importing 3D objects, here are a few differences that Mac and Windows have in terms of PowerPoint.

1. Import EMF files on Windows.

An EMF stands for “Enhanced Windows Media File”. It is a video file that you can use in presentations and is supported by many different programs, including PowerPoint for Windows computers. Mac computers cannot currently use this file in a PowerPoint.

2. Animations on Windows computers.

Some animations you might want to use in your presentations are not on a Mac computer, for example, the “zoom” feature. This may not be a big problem for many people, as Mac does have almost all other animations at its disposal.

3. Font problems.

Windows and Mac have different basic fonts. This can sometimes cause problems if you create a presentation on Windows and open it on Mac, PowerPoint then changes the fonts without warning. Here are a bunch of fonts you can use on Windows and Mac.

Arial, Arial Helvetica | Arial Black | Comic Sans MS | Courier New | Georgia | Impact
Lucida Console, Monaco | Palatino | Tahoma, Geneva | Times New Roman | Trebuchet MS | Verdana

4. 3D objects.

The latest version of PowerPoint on Windows computers has a new tool, which is to import 3D projects into your presentation. This gives a whole new layer when animating your presentation. For example, if you want to present a new building, you can now put a 3D model into your presentation, fully animated. Mac computers cannot do this at the moment, it is possible that this will still come to the Mac.

At this moment, Windows is the best option for creating a presentation. If you want to build a small presentation with not much impressive stuff it is no problem if you use a Mac, and even with a Mac you can still put together quite nice presentations! If you want a presentation that impresses your audience tremendously with various beautiful animations and designs, then without a doubt choose a Windows computer!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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Animation tips

Animation Tips

Having trouble animating your PowerPoint presentation? Need help? We have some tips for a great presentation!

If you have never made a PowerPoint before and don’t know much about creating animations, it can be very difficult to make a decent presentation. After all, animations are necessary to make your presentation interesting. Fortunately, we know how to create beautiful animations without having much knowledge of the program. Here are a set of rules you can follow when animating your presentation.

Set the mood of your presentation.

Is your presentation very serious? Or just very playful? Determining the mood you want to convey in your presentation determines much of your animations, for a serious presentation it is appropriate if the animations you use are very nuanced and smooth. Whereas with a playful presentation about your guinea pig you should rather have very exaggerated and bouncy animations.

What do you want to animate?

Ask yourself what you want animated in the presentation. When a slide comes in, you may want to keep the same slide design, but have new information come in through animation. Knowing what you want to animate also helps with creating applicable animations.

Learn to use the timeline.

When creating the animations, you will always see a timeline on the left with the order of the animations. Learn to use this timeline to figure out what order you are going to use for your animations.

If you follow these three tips, you’ll have a bunch of great animations for your presentation in no time. Good animations will impress your audience, even if your topic is not fascinating!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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PowerPoint shortcuts

What shortcuts are there in PowerPoint?

The program has many different secret key combinations that allow you to work faster and more efficiently, here are all of them.

Shortcuts are combinations of different keys that allow you to perform certain actions faster and easier without using your mouse. If you master these combinations your work pace goes up a lot and the PowerPoint program becomes much easier to use. Here are the most frequently used shortcuts in the program for Mac and Windows.

Ctrl + B / Cmd + BMake selected text bold.
Ctrl + X / Cmd + XCut selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + C / Cmd + CCopy selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + V / Cmd + VPaste selected text, object or slide.
Ctrl + A / Cmd + ASelect all
Ctrl + Z / Cmd + ZUndo previous action.
Ctrl + S / Cmd + SSave presentation.
Page DownGo to the next slide.
Page UpGo to the previous slide.
F5Start presentation from the beginning
Shift + F5 Start presentation from current slide
Shift + Alt + PijltoetsenChanging the indentation level of texts
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the formatting of an element or text
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste formatting from an element or text
Alt + Shift + CCopy animation
Alt + Shift + VPaste animation
Ctrl + Shift + GGroup objects
Ctrl + Shift + hEliminate group
Shift + PijltoetsenSelection scaling
Ctrl + Pijltoetsen Movie selection in small steps
Alt + Pijltoetsen Rotate selection

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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How do you start a presentation?

How do you start a good presentation?

Sometimes it is difficult to grab the complete attention of your audience right away with a spectacular presentation and an engaging story. Many people start their presentation boring with a still image and a piece of text containing the topic and some personal information. Everyone does this and does not grab the viewer’s attention. Start your presentation with an introduction, of course, but make sure your introduction is original and spectacular. Animate your first slide in such a way that people immediately read what’s on the screen and keep listening attentively to your story. If you let too much happen during your presentation on the screen, the listener’s attention falls away and they are entirely occupied with the animations on the screen. Make sure the animations and the story connect with each other.

In terms of story, make sure you have an interesting story to tell. You can do this with anything, even if it’s about the boring numbers and statistics. Make sure you have a continuous story where the listener wants to know more and is curious to learn more about the next topic. Do not overwhelm your audience with pieces of text and information, if you do this you will lose the attention of your listeners and your presentation will be useless. Dose your information and tell around it. If it is necessary to show a table or graph, explain it to your audience so they understand what they are seeing.

Present enthusiastically, making sure your audience sees that you are interested in the topic and that you would also like them to learn more about it. If you stick to this then you will have a good start to a great presentation!

Can we help you create a flawless presentation? We have collaborated on numerous presentations and build the perfect PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi for you. Contact us!

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